Italy is such an amazing country to learn about. We have been using our Italy Culture Exchange pack as part of this study as well as our Italy Country Study printable Pack.
Italy Country Study
In our Culture pack, we received an Italy flag and some lollies. The boys loved tasting the lollies and waving the flag around. We read about the history of the Italian flag online and in books we borrowed from the library and completed the activities on the flag in the Italy country study you can download below.
Also in our package, we received some pressed Mediterranean plants. We also researched the different types of plants in Italy and how different the climate conditions were over in Italy compared to Australia, allowing different plants to grow. The boys loved the Ferrari toy car we received. We talked about different types of cars, looked into racing cars and how many different types of cars there are available on the market these days. We had just sold our car, and haven’t purchased a new one yet, so this was great for the boys, looking at the different models and deciding which one we should purchase.
A soccer sticker was also in the package. The boys love soccer and loved researching the history of soccer. They also played a lot of soccer in the fields next to our house. They learnt a lot about the English league from their father and are really enjoying watching some matches on TV.
Also included was a spy book. We went through this spy book we received in the package. This was a great I Spy activity which they loved; a great addition to the package.
We talked about sand, shells and beaches as we received this in our package also. We live near the east coast of Australia, and visit the beach a bit so we compared their sand and shells to the ones we find on our beaches in Australia.
We made a Leaning Tower of Pisa out of a paper towel roll and pipe cleaners. We used blue tack to hold it on a lean on a paper plate. We also completed the Leaning Tower of Pisa printables in the Italy Country Study, learning more about the bells in the tower.
The boys decorated the flag of Italy with the correct coloured crepe paper. We printed some Italian flashcards for the colours and days of the week off Twinkl.
They made paper gondolas, after learning about them in the Italy Country study and then decorated them. The package also included some postcards of famous Italian places of interest, stickers, tattoos, Pinocchio bandaids, and Italian play money.
Learning about Italy was fascinating and our boys learnt a lot. They really enjoyed using the Italy Unit Study and making lots of pizzas. To complete this study you will have to provide your child with books relating to Italy and/or access to the internet for them to research the country for the answers.
Other Country Studies
- Brazil Country Study
- England Country Study
- France Country Study
- Oceania Research Flip Books
- Canada Country Study
- Sweden Country Study
- Ireland Country Study
- Country Research Flip Books
- Netherlands Country Study
- Country Study Research Pages
- US State Research Flip Books
- US State Symbols Activity Mats
- Country Research Pack 1
- Country Research Pack 2
- American Symbols Flip Book
- Spain Country Study
- Christmas Around the World Printables
Italy Printables
There are so many activities in this study. The activities include:
- Learning about the Flag
- Decorating / colouring in the flag
- Mapping places on the map of Italy
- Finding Italy on the world map
- Learning about the country, population, money and language
- Learning about places of interest ~ The Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Roman Colosseum, Milan, Florence, the Trevi Fountain, Naples, Sicily, Turin, and Venice
- Learn about gondolas
- Italian Food
- Animals that live in Italy
- Italian inventions ~ the piano
- Pinocchio
- Learn about Famous Italian people ~ Marco Polo, Antonio Vivaldi, Galileo Galilei, Alessandra Volta, Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci
Answers included
To get your copy of this Italy Country Study, click on the link below:
Wow you guys did some good activites to learn about Italy. I can hardly wait until my own kids are old enough to visit a few cities.
Theses are AMAZING RESOURCES! Highly impressive and very resourceful!!!! Can’t wait to explore further!