The Jamestown Settlement was the first permanent English settlement in America. Located in the country of Tsenacommacah, the area was ruled by the Powhatan Confederacy. Initially welcomed by the natives, though the relationships soured quickly. Learn more about this settlement, the struggles and their achievements with this Jamestown Settlement Research Flip Book.
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Jamestown Settlement Research Flip Book
Founded in 1607, the Jamestown Settlement was established by the Virginia Company of London. 144 men, of which 105 were settlers and 39 were crewmen, left England for America on the 20th December, 1606, aboard three ships – the Susan Constant, the Godspeed and the Discovery. After arriving in Virginia on the 26th April, 1607, the first order of business was to select a site to build a fort. Learn about the ups and downs of this settlement with the information provided in this flip book and your own research.
This Jamestown printable contains information for children on five different aspects on the Jamestown Settlement:
- Jamestown Settlement – The beginnings of the settlement
- Pocahontas – the daughter of the chief of the Powhatan people
- Starving Time – the realities of surviving in a cold, harsh winter
- Powhatan Villages – the natives of the area
- Pottery – the pottery that was imported and made on site
In this flip book, you will receive one page of information about each of the five objects as well as the flip book. This information page can be used to complete the flip book, though it would be good for children to do their own research. The pages of the flip book include spots for children to record their research in their own words as well as draw pictures if they wish.
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