Abraham Lincoln, also known as ‘Honest Abe,’ was the 16th President of the United States. Learn more about this remarkable man who helped change the lives of thousands of slaves and much more with this Abraham Lincoln Study.
Check out the list of materials that we use with these printables.
Abraham Lincoln Study
Abraham Lincoln was born on the 12th February, 1809 and lived in a one-room log cabin until he was 7 years old. He then went on to spend many years in Indiana before moving to Illinois. After working in many different environments, he finally settled on studying and working in law.
In 1860, Abe became the 16th President of the United States, where he went on to sign the Emancipation Proclamation in January, 1863. He was assassinated on the 15th April, 1865.
During his life, Abe shared some inspirational quotes. Here are a couple of them:
“Whatever you are, be a good one.”
“I am a slow walker, but I never walk back.”
With this study, you will receive over 40 pages of study material for children of multiple ages to complete. Also included are colour and black and white copies as well as two different types of spelling – US and UK/AUST, making it a total of just over 90 pages in the pack.
In this pack, the activities you will find include:
- A one page activity with the following questions to be answered – What I know, What I want to Learn and What I have Learned
- 11 pages of reading notes that can be used to complete the activities in this pack, though it is encouraged to add your own resources as well
- 2 pages of reading comprehension questions / answers
- A one-page quiz
- A short one-page biography page
- A page to list 3 questions that you would ask Abraham Lincoln
- Abraham Lincoln as a role model – What kind of role model would he be?
- Biography Report
- Notebooking Pages
- Simple book for children to create
More History Resources
- 1920s Research Flip Book
- 1930s Research Flip Book
- 1980s Research Flip Book
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- Dr. Ellen Ochoa Flip Book
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- The Wright Brothers Study
- Frances Gabe’s Marvellous Invention Flip Book
- Evelyn the Entomologist Flip Book
- Dr. Temple Grandin Flip Book
- Martin Luther & The Reformation Resources
- Timeline of Abraham Lincoln’s life, with a cut and paste activity
- Mapping Activity
- Vocabulary page
- Talking about emotions from events that happened
- Word Search
Other Studies of Famous People
- Evelyn The Entomologist Flip Book
- Helen Keller Study
- Dr Ellen Ochoa Flip Book
- Frances Gabe Flip Book
- Amelia Earhart Study
- Dr Temple Grandin Flip Book
- Rosa Parks Study
- Anne Frank Study
- The Wright Brothers Study
- Martin Luther and the Reformation Resources
- Martin Luther King Jr Study
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