Learn about some of the amazing 80s trends with this awesome 1980s Research Flip Book.
Check out the list of materials that we use with these printables.
1980s Research Flip Book
The 1980s was a time of colour, aerobics and technology. Personal computers and cell phones came onto the market as well as instant cameras which were a hit. Video games and arcade games were all the rage as was ‘big hair’ with loads of hairspray.
In this research flip book children will learn about:
- Boombox
- Instant Camera
- Gaming – in particular video games
- Walkman
- TV and Video
- Roller Skates
In this flip book, you will receive one page of information about each of the six objets as well as the flip book. This information page can be used to complete the flip book, though it would be good for children to do their own research. For each person, children will complete the following facts:
- Invented
- Fun Facts
- Description
- My Thoughts
- And a spot for them to draw their own picture
More History Resources
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- Martin Luther & The Reformation Resources
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