There are so many different skills that children can learn while spending time in the kitchen. Make learning to cook fun for kids with these fun cooking challenges printables, while developing their culinary skills.
Cooking Challenge Fun
Kids of all ages can help in the kitchen, from washing food, setting the table to cutting and preparing the meals. The amount of input an adult will have depends on the age of the children. Younger ones will need a lot more help from an adult.
Having children involved in cooking will not only help them with math skills, but with planning, following directions and about safety in the kitchen. It is also a great time for bonding and making wonderful family memories!
Cooking challenges aren’t meant to happen on a daily basis, unless this is what they want and you have the time (and patience) to spend the time together. Adjustments will need to be made to accomodate your child’s ability in the kitchen. A great place to start when teaching your child to cook is by teaching them to make their favorite foods. This is a great way to get your child excited to learn to cook and once they master making their favourite foods you will have less work to do each day.
There is lots of room for creativity with these cooking challenges. And, they can be easily adapted to your family’s dietary needs as well. Children can start with creating a simple fruit salad or cheeseboard, before moving onto a cake or a noodle stirfry. Simple pancakes or omelette could be made for a delicious brunch.
Cooking Challenge Printables
To help with your cooking challenges, I have created this fun printable pack. In this pack you will receive:
- A cooking challenge report in which you can write the chef’s name, the dish they prepared, the date they prepared it, any special instructions that were needed to create this recipe, the skills they mastered while completing this challenge and any comments you have. This is a great way to record the challenges each child completes. These pages can then created into a book for them.
- A recipe card which includes the name of the recipe, how many servings, where the recipe is from, the ingredients and the directions on how to make the recipe.
- A grocery list which can be used for shopping for the food they need to create their recipes.
- A page of 4 rating cards, which can be cut out, giving one card to each member of the family to rate how they thought the chef went. They will circle a number from 1 through 5 for presentation, originality, taste and then add these scores together to give an overall score. There is a place where they could write any comments or notes if they wish.
- A list of 30 different cooking challenge ideas (and a blank page for you to add your own ideas on).
Other Printables
- Kitchen Conversion Charts
- Printable Daily Planners
- Tips for Making Omelettes
- Tips for Teaching your Child to Cook
- Homemade Bread
- Learn how to Dehydrate Celery
- How to Make Celery Salt from Dried Celery Leaves
- How to Dehydrate Strawberries
- Learn how to Dehydrate Oranges for decorations
- Freezer Friendly Bulk Cookie Recipe
- Tips for Once a Month Cooking
- 18 Slow Cooker Recipes
- Menu Planning Binder
- Easy Ways to Save on Food
- DIY Frozen Smoothie Packs
- Party Planning Ideas for Teenagers
- 10 Ways to Simplify your Life
To get your copy of these Cooking Challenge Printables, sign up below:
Awesome practical list! Its amazing how much you can save by making little changes. Packing lunches is huge! Also, we became very DIY with home improvements and that saved us a small fortune.