I found this pasta in the kitchen and it was right on the used buy date, so we decided to use it in art. We dyed the pasta yellow and green, by adding a few drops of food colouring.
When the pasta was dry, we glued it to white sheets of paper to make a Christmas tree and present.
R made a green Christmas tree above and B decided he wanted to be different and make a yellow Christmas tree below.
They both worked together on the present, making the gift wrap paper green with a yellow ribbon. If we had more pasta,w e would have been able to make more colours.
You could dye some pasta red and leave some natural to make a candy cane or make a bauble shape pasta picture.
What other Christmas activities could you make using pasta?
Oh they are cute! Reminds me of when we made Pasta Wreaths one Christmas http://ourworldwideclassroom.blogspot.com.au/2010/12/christmas-fun-easy-pasta-wreaths.html