Camping is a great way to get your family out and about in nature. We have done many camping trips with many different tents, and lately in a caravan. Our boys always really enjoy this time away and we love that they are having fun without watching screens. I have collected a list of 10+ camping printables that will make this adventure so much more fun. Most of these activities are recommended for younger kids in the 2-10 age bracket.
- Camping Printable Pack – This printable pack is aimed at kids ages 2 – 8 and contains lots of many fun and educational activities.
- Camp Writing Prompts – Containing 25 writing prompts, this printable pack is a great way to encourage your child to write about their adventures.
- Camping Fun Pack – Another printable pack aimed at kids ages 2 – 9. It contains 64 pages of fun learning activities.
- Camping Do-a-Dot Printables – This 20 page printable pack contains many do-a-dot activities for your younger kids.
- Camping Journal – These lined pages can be made into a handy little book for your child to write about their adventures.
- Camping Printable Pack – This camping themed printable pack contains many fun and educational activities for your preschooler.
- Camping Cards – These camping cards are a great way to introduce camping to your child and help them with their vocabulary and spelling.
- Camping Themed I Spy – This printable is a great way to help your child improve their speech, language, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.
- Camping Themed WH Question Cards – A great way to work on camping vocabulary.
- Camping Activity Book – These fun activities are particularly useful when you have some bad weather on your camping trip. They can also be used to keep your kids occupied while driving to your camping spot.
- Camping Charades – A fun printable camping themed game to play.
- Camping Scavenger Hunt – This is a great way to explore nature around your campsite.
- Camping Printable Pack – This pack is aimed at preschoolers, containing many fun camping themed activities.
If you are looking for more hints and tips for camping, you might these posts below:
- Caravan and Camping Checklists
- Top Tips for Camping with Kids
- Camping Cupcakes – A great treat while camping
- 5 Frugal Family Vacation Tips
- Camping Themed Birthday Party
We really enjoyed our biggest ‘camping’ trip in which we spent 6 months driving around Australia. What is your best camping adventure?
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