Days 122-124
Today we arrived at Mt Gambier Showgrounds around lunch time. After setting up the van, we took off to have a look at a few of the sights around Mt Gambier.
The first one was the Blue Lake. Though the day was not that great, the sun did shine every now and then so we were able to get a good view of the Blue Lake in a little bit of sunshine.
You can see how blue it is when the sun is shining on it!
Blue Lake is an old crater that was left after a volcano became extinct.
The boys had a go at doing a selfie each on hubby’s phone with the Blue Lake in the background.
We don’t often do the family selfies, but here is one.
This view is from the Rook Wall and Lookout across the road from the Blue Lake.
Then we walked down to the Hoo Hoo Lookout to see another crater left by an extinct volcano: The Leg of Mutton Lake Crater.
On the way back to the car, we stopped off at the Adam Lindsay Gordon Monument. Apparently, this poet and horseman, with his horse, jumped a fence and landed on a narrow ledge as part of a bet.
After returning to the car and taking a short drive, we arrived at the Valley Lake Lookout, and playground.
The playground is massive and the boys enjoyed a few hours playing on the equipment.
On the way back to the van that afternoon, we drove past hubby’s old church, school and house.