As a homeschooling mum who has never been good at literacy, I find language arts one of the more difficult subjects to teach. I haven’t done much in the way of parts of speech or figurative language for many, many years, which makes it difficult for me when helping our boys with their studies. We have found these Ultimate Language Arts Cheat Sheets to be a valuable resource in our homeschool.
The Ultimate Language Arts Cheat Sheets download contains 18 pages, with the Table of Contents listed below.
Table of Contents:
- Parts of Speech: Part 1
- Parts of Speech: Part 2
- Punctuation
- The Four Types of Sentences
- Parts of Sentences: Part 1 (Basic)
- Parts of Sentences: Part 2 (Advanced)
- How to Diagram Sentences: Part 1
- How to Diagram Sentences: Part 2
- Figurative Language
- Common Homophones
- Which word should I use?
- Transitional Words
- Words to use instead of “very”
- Words to use instead of “said”
- Writing an Essay
Even though the 18 pages are full of bright colours, they all have clean lines, and are set out so that you can quickly and easily find what you are looking for without having any distractions. The definitions that Samantha has given are clear and concise and easy for children to understand. I love the addition of examples are each definitions. This helps our boys understand the concepts a lot better.
Currently in elementary/middle school, our boys have been using these cheat sheets for diagramming sentences. They can quickly check where the direct objects or prepositions go on their cheat sheet and continue on with their work. Our oldest boy is also starting to complete a lot of compositions as well. He finds the ‘Writing an Essay using the Hamburger method’ page extremely helpful in helping him write a comprehensive essay. He also loves using the ‘Transitional Words and the words to use instead of…’ pages to make his compositions interesting.
This printable pack can be printed and easily placed in a ring binder, though for us, I decided to laminate the pages and am currently holding them together with a ring in the top left hand corner. This makes them more durable and our boys are easily able to flick the pages over to find what they are looking for.
Overall, we have found these Ultimate Language Arts Cheat Sheets, created by a former homeschool student, to be a comprehensive collection of language arts resources that make a great reference tool when needed.
Aimed at children in grades 3 – 8, you can purchase them for a small cost of $15.99 at Le Chaim on the Right. But, until the 1st March 2017, you can grab 20% off by using the code kai.