We took the boys to the Sydney Opera House last year and for Christmas this year they received a lego Sydney Opera House which they thought was fantastic! Since watching the Sydney New Years Eve fireworks (on tv) at the Opera House, the boys have been really interested in learning more about why this place was built and why it looks they way it does.
So we made the Sydney Opera House out of paper plates. It is a lot easier than it looks!
To make this paper model, you will need 3 (three) paper plates. Cut an eye shape, like the picture below, out of each of the plates. You will then have 6 (six) crescent shapes. You will only need five, so you can dispose of the extra one.
Place the five (5) crescent shapes using the picture below as a guide.
Starting from the left, add three crescent shapes on top of each other and then two on the right hand side facing the opposite direction.
Then using a ruler, draw a line across the bottom to make a flat surface.
Then cut each shape at the line and then glue together. You will end up with a model like the one in the picture below.
This model can then be glued onto a large piece of blue cardboard as a college and decorated with fireworks. We painted a tissue box brown and cut a slit in the bottom of the box and placed our Sydney Opera House in it as a standing model (see first picture) or you could glue a couple of straws at the bottom and use it as a puppet.
How cool is that!!