Valentine’s Day is a fun day for all to celebrate. These cute How to Send a Valentine Sequencing Printables not only help young children learn how to send a Valentine, but they are also able to work on their sequencing skills too.
How to Send a Valentine Sequencing
This 49 page printable pack contains a variety of sequencing activities for both boys and girls. Teaching sequencing to young children helps them understand how the events occur in a logical order which is a skill they need in the future.
Included in this printable pack, you will find:
- Pocket Chart Cards
- Vocabulary Cards
- Cut and paste sequencing activities
- Sequencing Colouring activities
- Matching Sequencing activity
- Puppets for verbal sequencing activities
There are also two books that can be made. Both of these books are in black and white for children to colour as they wish. The first book is great for children who are learning to read. Once they can read the book fluently, they can decorate the pages. The second book contains pages for children to write in their own words, the sequence of How to Send a Valentine.
There are also pages for children to list the materials they need to write their Valentine as well as the steps they need to follow to send their Valentine.
Included in this printable pack are sequencing cards. I suggest printing these cards on white card stock and laminating them for durability. These cards come with the numbers written in two ways (ordinal numbers in words and number form) and can be matched with the picture cards following the correct steps.
This printable pack comes in both colour and black and white for your convenience.
To download your copy of this How to Send a Valentine Printables, click on the link below:
*** How to Send a Valentine Printables Colour ***
*** How to Send a Valentine Printables Black and White ***
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