We were thrilled when we were asked to review Philippians in 28 Weeks (KJV) written by Home School Adventure Co. There are two versions of Philippians in 28 Weeks available, the ESV and the KJV. We were chosen to review the KJV.
Home School Adventure Co. creates resources that are designed to help you educate and raise your children to be loving, compassionate, strong and wise.
Memorising Scripture can help us in many ways:
- It is the best tool for resisting the temptation of Satan
- It helps you make wise decisions
- It comforts you
- It helps you when witnessing to unbelievers
Psalm 119:11 : Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Philippians in 28 Weeks uses 5 simple steps to help you memorise the book of Philippians and etch the words of the Lord upon your heart.
This is the first of the five steps that are suggested by Stacy Farrell when memorising Philippians in 28 Weeks. The more you read, the more you mind absorbs and helps you to retain information. It is suggested that you read the entire book of Philippians every day. It isn’t a long book, so it won’t take you very long at all. Also, you are given memory cards that can be used to take with you for you to review when you have the time.
Throughout the journal there are spaces for you to record your thoughts.
- Day 1: Copywork – space for you to copy the new verses for the week
- Day 3: Reflections – there are questions for you to ponder, discuss and answer
- Day 5: Summary – A place to record your observations and thoughts for the week
As repetition is the key to memorisation, you are able to take your memory cards with you to review the verses for the week when you have the time.
After completing the week, you are encouraged to recite from memory the verses you have learned so far.
By reciting the verses you have all ready learned at the beginning of every week, you are learning to retain. Also at the end of each chapter you can ask someone to ‘grade’ you on what you have learned so far by using a grading scale. This grading scale is the only part of this curriculum we didn’t use as it is just something we don’t do in our family.
In the journal there is also an accountability log which will help inspire you and keep you on track.
How did we go?
We found that just by reading the book of Philippians every day, the boys were starting to memorise some of the verses. I would read a verse and they would repeat it. This did take a little longer when reading the whole book, but I think it was worth it. We found the best time for us, was to complete this Bible curriculum just before bedtime. The boys were able to calm down and relax from the days events while reciting the Scripture.
When completing the copy work, the boys also repeated the verses aloud to help them retain the words. The copy work was also great for the boys as they were able to work on their handwriting.
We loved the memory cards. We had them with us constantly, using them while on car trips and waiting at appointments.
The only part of this curriculum we didn’t use was the grading, as that is just something we don’t do in our family.
At the moment our boys (aged 9 and 7) are able to say the first chapter of Philippians on their own. We have just moved onto chapter 2.
Philippians in 28 Weeks has been been an awesome tool for helping us memorising Scripture and I believe it will be a very useful tool for you family, Sunday School class, Youth Group or small Bible Study.
Details At a Glance!!
Name: Home School Adventure Co.
Website: Home School Adventure Co.
Product: Philippians in 28 Weeks (KJV)
- KVJ and ESV Print Edition: $28.95
- ESV EBook Download: $14.95
- ESV Memory Cards Only: $9.95
Ages: For read aloud and discussion as a family: up to ages 12. Highschoolers can do this on their own.
You can find Home School Adventure Co. at:
At the moment, Home School Adventure Co. have an amazing offer for you. Use the code: CREW-10 to receive 10% off all download purchases until the 15th May.
Thank you for helping your sons etch His Word upon their hearts. We are all blessed by your leadership!
With great joy (Phil. 1:4),
Stacy Farrell