Day 72
Last night was a really bad night for hubby. He had a massive toothache and didn’t sleep at all. We found all the dentists in Broome were not open on the weekend, but one did have an emergency number you could text if you desperately needed a dentist. We sent them a text, but didn’t hear back for a few hours.
In the meantime, hubby was really struggling with the pain, so we headed for the Broome Hospital to see if they could give him some pain killers. After a short time, hubby was able to see a doctor, who thought his tooth was infected, so she gave him a script for some painkillers and for an antibiotic, so off to a chemist we went.
Then we headed back to the caravan so he could try and get some rest. Not long after we arrived, we received a reply text from the dentist. They had been out of town for the weekend and were heading back in, so were able to see hubby later on if he still wanted a dentist.
After a few messages, we headed back into Broome so hubby could see the dentist. It turns out that he had an infection in the tooth and it had to be pulled. That night, he was still in a bit of pain but was able to sleep a bit better.
Day 73
Today hubby slept till lunch time while the boys and I cleaned the car and van.
Later in the afternoon, we headed into town to fill up the car and fuel cans and get a few last things from Woolworths, getting ready to head off out of Broome in the morning.