Helen Keller was an amazing woman. These Helen Keller Timeline Cards help tell the life and achievements of this wonderful woman.
Materials Needed:
- white paper and printer
- scissors
- binder ring
- laminator
This 12-page printable pack includes 60 Helen Keller Timeline Cards. I recommend printing out on white paper and laminating them so they don’t break or rip.
I keep our timelines together with a binder ring. I simply use a hole-punch to punch a hole in the top left hand corner of the cards and then place them onto the binder ring.
When using the cards, I remove the ring for the children.
Kids will enjoy
- placing these cards in date order
- creating their own timeline using the dates and information provided
- using these cards to research events that happened in the past
- learn more about Helen Keller and all her achievements
To download your copy of these Helen Keller Timeline Cards, click on the link below:
*** Helen Keller Timeline Cards ***
Other resources that you may find helpful as well are: