Preschoolers and toddlers will love these Fall Leaf Counting Mats! This hands-on activity is fun and can be used multiple times. This activity focuses mainly on the numbers 1 – 20, though there are blank pages for you to increase their learning.
Materials Needed
- white paper
- printer
- laminator
- colouring pencils
- scissors
- lead pencils
- eraser
- play dough
This activity can be used in a multitude of ways:
- Print out the coloured fall leaf counting mats and the coloured leaves. Laminate the mats and the individual leaves. Have your child count out the correct number of leaves and place them on the tree.
- Print out the coloured fall leaf counting mats and laminate. Have your child create their own rain drops out of playdough and place the correct number of leaves on each mat. They can also create their own numbers out of playdough and place them on the number.
- Print out the black and white fall leaf counting mats and the black and white rain leaves. Have your child colour and decorate the mats and leaves with paints, crayons or markers before cutting out and laminating them. Have your child count out the correct number of leaves and place them under the cloud.
- Print out the black and white fall leaf counting mats and the black and white leaves. Have your child colour and decorate the mats and leaves with paints, crayons or markers before cutting out and laminating them. Have your child create their own leaves out of playdough and place the correct number of leaves on each mat. They can also create their own numbers out of playdough and place them on the number.
- Counters. Instead of using the leaves, children could use playdough to create their own balls or leaves, or buttons, pompoms or any other counters or markers.
- There is a blank coloured and a blank black and white fall leaf counting mat which can be used for counting numbers larger than 20. Use a dry erase marker or playdough to make a number for them and they can add the correct number of leaves on the tree.
- Extra learning with the blank mats. Once children have completed learning their numbers, they can use the blank coloured or black and white mats to work on simple addition and subtraction sums. They can use the leaves or create shapes out of play dough to use as counters. An example is – place two black and white leaves and then add three coloured leaves. Add the leaves together and you have five.
To download your copy of this printable pack, click on the link below:
*** Fall Leaf Counting Mats ***