This is such a cool fire extinguisher experiment for kids. They are able to see how a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher works to put out a fire. They are able to douse a flame only using the carbon dioxide that is given off by the prepared mixture.
For this experiment you will need:
a glass / jar / cup
bicarb soda
First you place some vinegar in your jar. A couple of centimetres in the bottom of your jar will do.
Then add a couple (3-4) of teaspoons of bicarb soda.
Light your candle (we just used long handled matches) and place over lit end over you jar.
The flame of your candle or match should go out.
Why does this happen?
When you mix bicarb soda and vinegar together, they release carbon dioxide. As carbon dioxide is heavier than air, it stays in the glass. When you place the flame over the jar, the carbon dioxide excludes oxygen, therefore puts out the flame of your match or candle.
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