These maths cards are a great way for young children to learn how to Add, Multiply, Subtract and Divide by 1, by 2, by 3, and by 4.
Math Cards for Learning
Check out the list of materials that we use with these printables.
With over 90 pages of flashcards, this pack can be used in many ways.
The object of the game is to match the answer with the sum.
To prepare these cards, cut out all the pages and, as there are four cards per page, you will need to cut out each of the cards. Laminate the cards for durability. You could hold them together with a binder ring.
There are cards for adding one, subtracting one, multiplying by one and dividing by one – from one through twelve. These equation cards and answer cards all contain a rocket ship.
There are cards for adding two, subtracting two, multiplying two, and dividing by two – from one through twelve. These equation cards and answer cards all contain a set of stars.
There are cards for adding three, subtracting three, multiplying three and dividing by three – from one through twelve. These equation cards and answer cards all contain a space shuttle.
And, there are cards for adding four, subtracting four, multiplying four and dividing by four – from one through twelve. These equation cards and answer cards all contain a satellite dish.
These Math Cards for Learning can be used in games such as memory or fish or children can use them to match the answers to the equations. Children can work on one set of equations at a time or all of them at once.
These cards can be used for introducing children to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division equations or as practice or as a fun math reviewing activity.
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