The end of the 2014 school year is closing in quite quickly. We have just received a renewal form for the Distance Education school our boys are registered through, so I thought I would ask them if they want to continue homeschooling and why they love home schooling? It was interesting to hear their answers.
1. We Do Lots of Fun Things
Even though our boys are registered through Distance Education and receive much of their school books (PACEs) through the school, I find that adding hands-on activities and experiments help them to understand concepts a lot easier.
2. We Get to see and play with Daddy
If our boys attended school, they could go days without seeing their father due to his work hours. We have a close family bond and love that daddy is able to join in with the homeschooling activities. We also love going on adventures as a family, like visiting museums, national parks or the local beach.
3. We don’t have to Wait in Lines
This is a great aspect of homeschooling. We always go on holidays and visit places such as museums and theme parks during the week and usually go into ‘hiding’ during the school holidays. It’s great to be able to go to the library and have the ‘computer’ area to yourself, or go to a museum and take your time walking around all the exhibits instead of having to rush around and wait for others to move out of the way so you can have a look.
4. We can choose what We want to Learn
Our boys love choosing what they want to learn about and then when at the library they help choose the books they want to use. They really enjoyed our butterfly and silkworm units where we were able to see the chrysalis hatch and watch the silkworms grow into white moths. Their favourite so far is our human body unit. They loved learning about the human body and really enjoyed dissecting a lamb’s brain, ox heart and other animal body parts.
5. We can do What we Want When we Want
The flexibility of home schooling is awesome. On a hot day, we can go to the pool and cool down before the boys get into their books. If they have a sick day during the week, they can catch up on the weekend. We can have a day off school work for our birthdays and spend the day doing a fun outing of their choice. If the boys want to spend the day building machines out of lego, they can.
So after all of this, our boys would love to continue home schooling next year!
What are some of the reasons you home school?
Jennifer Tammy
My daughter and I are just starting our homeschool journey, it’s wonderful to see other children loving the process! Right now she has friends join us everyday, as I’m running a daycare, which she loves but I’m looking forward to when things eventually quiet down 😉